Trump Rips Enemies, Ignores Melania in Mother’s Day Post

Rolling Stone

Trump Rips Enemies, Ignores Melania in Mother’s Day Post

Peter Wade – May 14, 2023


It appears that Donald Trump has left Melania Trump, his current wife and mother of his youngest child, unnamed in his Mother’s Day greetings. Instead, the former president chose to wish a “Happy Mother’s Day” to the mothers of the “complete Lunatics and Maniacs” who are part of “the Radical Left.” How sweet.

Trump shared his Mother’s Day well wishes on Truth Social, the social media platform he launched in the wake of his pre-Elon Musk exile from Twitter. Within an hour of going live, the post accumulated more than 2,000 shares, aka “ReTruths.”

“Happy Mother’s Day to ALL, in particular the Mothers, Wives and Lovers of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country,” he wrote.

Trump continued, “Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter, so that we can, quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

Just minutes later, the former president was back to posting his usual drivel about politics — this time bashing his rival, Ron DeSantis, with Trump’s pet name for him, “Rob DeSanctimonious.”

Trump is fond of using holidays to shout out his detractors. On Easter in 2021, he released a statement very similar to his Mother’s Day post, declaring, “Happy Easter to ALL, including the Radical Left CRAZIES who rigged our Presidential Election, and want to destroy our Country!” On July 4, 2014, he tweeted, “Happy 4th of July to everyone, including the haters and losers!” Less than a year earlier, he tweeted about Sept. 11, writing, “I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”

With all these gems, Trump should abandon his White House plans and instead start his own greeting card company.

Author: John Hanno

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Bogan High School. Worked in Alaska after the earthquake. Joined U.S. Army at 17. Sergeant, B Battery, 3rd Battalion, 84th Artillery, 7th Army. Member of 12 different unions, including 4 different locals of the I.B.E.W. Worked for fortune 50, 100 and 200 companies as an industrial electrician, electrical/electronic technician.