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Suspicious Timeline Suggests GOP Blocking Merrick Garland May Be Tied to Trump/Russia Scandal
By pmorgan January 2, 2018
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating the Trump Campaign AND the Republican National Committee for their alleged Russian collusion efforts in rigging the election in key swing states, particularly Michigan and Wisconsin.
Trump adviser George Papadopoulos is helping the investigation along and now we have learned that the Republican Senate may have known the election was rigged when they blocked Obama’s Supreme Court appointment of Merrick Garland.
The Republican Senate pulled the unconstitutional stunt at a time that they should have felt concerned about the future of the White House. Hillary was the clear front-runner by most accounts at the time, so why block a Supreme Court pick when it was a statistical impossibility for Trump to win the White House? It’s possible those in Trump’s corner knew something no one else did at the time.
The New York Times just detailed a timeline of the Trump-Russia scandal and now a lot of things are making even more sense.
March of 2016 is when Papadopoulos drunkenly bragged about conspiring with Russia to an Australian diplomat, who immediately ratted him out. This is very significant, because it gives us additional context to Papadopoulos’ guilty plea, which clearly states that he first learned about Russia’s election rigging on March 14th of 2016. Just 48 hours later, Senate Republican John Cornyn suddenly announced that he would be blocking Barack Obama’s Merrick Garland nomination to the Supreme Court.
When you put the pieces together, you can see that the moment Trump and his campaign knew Russia was willing to help Trump win, the Republican Party decided to block Obama’s Supreme Court pick, allowing Trump to later fill it after he “won”.
If it can be proven that Papadopoulos told someone in the Republican Senate about the election rigging, this would be a game changer. Mueller has to be currently looking into finding this evidence, because something with this many hands in it cannot be coincidence.
This scandal goes much deeper than the sitting President. It appears the entire GOP is connected to it.