Bill Maher Scolds Libs: Forget The Culture, Grab The Government
Bill Maher got down to business Friday night in a not-so-funny monologue winding up “Real Time.” He accused liberals of being so busy patting themselves on the back getting Roseanne Barr bounced off TV for racist tweets that they forgot — again — about far more critical battles.
“I’m often surprised how often liberals I talk to think that we’re winning. We, who control nothing. Winning?” he asked.
He skewered liberals for “joy” they “take in vaporizing people and making every offense a hanging offense” — while missing the bigger picture.
“Conservatives govern without shame and liberals shame without governing,” he said.
“We get to banish actors. Liberals control the culture, yes, but right now wouldn’t you rather control the border?”
As for President Donald Trump, he warned: “I wouldn’t put it past him to try and cancel the next election.”
See what Homer Simpson has to say about that. Check out the video above.