ACO attacks Manafort Sentence

The Independent

Ocasio-Cortez attacks sentence handed to Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort: ‘The system is broken’

Peter Stubley, The Independent      March 8, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has attacked the “broken” US justice system after Donals Trump’s former campaign manager was jailed for 47 months for a $6m (£4.5m) tax and bank fraud.

World’s largest sovereign wealth fund to reduce holdings in oil stocks.

Five ways to get around Trump’s useless and racist border wall:

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

March 5, 2019

Five ways to get around Trump’s useless and racist border wall:

5 Reasons the Border Wall Won't Stop Drugs

Five ways to get around Trump's useless and racist border wall:

Posted by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders on Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Trump punishes middle-class with corporate tax cuts!

More bad news for middle America after Trump slashes corporate taxes.
March, 2019


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Tulsi Gabbard: Service Above Self!

Veterans Against the GOP shared a post.
Tulsi GabbardFollow

March 4, 2019

As president, I will put service above self—the interests of the American people above any personal interests—and stand up against the powerful forces of greed and corruption. #TULSI2020

Service Above Self

As president, I will put service above self—the interests of the American people above any personal interests—and stand up against the powerful forces of greed and corruption. #TULSI2020

Posted by Tulsi Gabbard on Monday, March 4, 2019

‘I am pro-life, but I am pro-humanity, too’

Senator Bernie Sanders and NowThis Politics shared a post. 
March 4, 2019 

‘I am pro-life, but I am pro-humanity, too’ — This Republican lawmaker shared an emotional story to oppose a law that would completely outlaw abortions in his state.

All around the country extremist legislators are working overtime to chip away at women’s rights to control their own bodies. This is why at EVERY level—federal, state, and local—we must do everything we can to protect women’s control over their reproductive health care.


Pro-Life Politician Stands Up to Anti-Abortion Policy in Arkansas

‘I am pro-life, but I am pro-humanity, too’ — This Republican lawmaker shared an emotional story to oppose a law that would completely outlaw abortions in his state

Posted by NowThis Election on Monday, March 4, 2019

Medicare For All!

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders posted an episode of Robert Reich.

March 5, 2019

Donald Trump and Republicans across the country are ramping up their attacks on Medicare for All to protect the profits of insurance and pharmaceutical industries, but the American people are clear about what they want: to end the international disgrace of being the only major country not to guarantee health care as a right. via Robert Reich.

It's Time for Medicare for All

Donald Trump and Republicans across the country are ramping up their attacks on Medicare for All to protect the profits of insurance and pharmaceutical industries, but the American people are clear about what they want: to end the international disgrace of being the only major country not to guarantee health care as a right. via Robert Reich

Posted by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders on Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nicolle Wallace details how ‘criminal enterprise’ investigation ‘could take down Trump and his entire empire’

Raw Story

Nicolle Wallace details how ‘criminal enterprise’ investigation ‘could take down Trump and his entire empire’

Bob Brigham      March 5, 2019


Composite image of Nicolle Wallace and Donald Trump (screengrabs)

MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace broke down how indicting the Trump organization as a “criminal enterprise” could allow prosecutors to take down President Donald Trump’s “entire empire.”

“A legal theory that has long been whispered about by legal experts and veteran prosecutors has spilled out into the open in the wake of Michael Cohen’s explosive testimony — the possibility that Donald Trump and the Trump Organization are being investigated as a criminal enterprise,” Wallace reported on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House” on Tuesday.

“The undercurrents have been there all along, with federal law enforcement officials and lawmakers comparing Donald Trump’s conduct to that of a mob boss,” she continued.

The host then played clips from people close to the organization making the argument.

“It’s like, you know, a “Sopranos” episode where Tony is going to a poorly-lit [sic] parking garage and meeting with a leader from another mob,” suggested Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who sits on the Judiciary Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

“This is classic kind of criminal enterprise behavior, right? You have a very — a strong leader who rules by force of will and personality, who demands unquestioned loyalty from those people around him,” former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe charged.

She also played a clip of former FBI Director James Comey explaining how “very strange” it was for him to compare the president of the United States to a mafia boss.

Wallace then introduced a New York Times column by Garrett Graff that she described as explaining, “how pursuing Trump-world as a mob operation could take down Trump and his entire empire.”

“Indicting the whole Trump Organization as a ‘corrupt enterprise’ could also help prosecutors address the thorny question of whether the president can be indicted in office; they could lay out a whole pattern of criminal activity, indict numerous players — including perhaps Trump family members — and leave the president himself as a named, un-indicted co-conspirator,” Graff explained.

“Such an action would allow investigators to make public all the known activity for Congress and the public to consider as part of impeachment hearings or re-election,” Graff continued. “It would also activate powerful forfeiture tools for prosecutors that could allow them to seize the Trump Organization’s assets and cut off its income streams.”

Wallace noted the “theme emerging” with House Intel Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) hiring former Russian mob prosecutor — and former MSNBC legal analyst — Daniel Goldman as director of investigations.

“It’s in the context of this devastating legal peril that the president appears to be spiraling into meltdown mode, tweeting, ‘presidential harassment’ in his outside voice as a refrain and publicly attacking the numerous investigations into his conduct that are now encircling the White House, his family, his business and his closest allies.”

Frank Figliuzzi, the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI and a MSNBC contributor, explained the mechanism for going after Trump as a mafia don — the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known as RICO.

“There’s a way we address mob families and organizations and it’s called RICO,” he explained.

“The basic notion is that the sum is greater than the parts,” he explained. “So you can go ahead and attack an organization by hitting individuals with prosecutions on this charge and that charge — and it’s very unwieldy and takes a long time and then you really never essentially get to the boss.”

“RICO is designed to get to the boss, because if you charge the underlings and they don’t talk because they use the omertà code — the code of silence — we’ve seen that even in this organization, then you may never get him,” he continued. “So RICO says, look, all of this together is much larger than the individual parts, and there’s a leader behind this. And that’s what RICO’s designed to do.”

“I’ll tell you when the light bulb went off over my head, I said this has got to be a RICO consideration, which is Michael Cohen’s testimony,” he noted. “Michael Cohen’s testimony did it for me.”

“This was essentially a mob informant talking about the [caporegime] and I’d be surprised if Southern District or some other prosecution arm is not seriously approaching this as a RICO,” Figliuzzi concluded.


General Mills to regenerate 1 million acres of farmland over next decade

Minneapolis/St. Paul-Business Journal

General Mills wants to regenerate 1 million acres of farmland over next decade

By Carrigan Miller, Staff writer, Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal
March 4, 2019


Golden Valley-based food company General Mills Inc. has announced that it wants to promote regenerative agriculture on 1 million acres of farmland by 2030.

It also announced a $650,000 grant to Kiss the Ground, a nonprofit that provides education and training on education on regenerative agriculture. That organization has a much more ambitious goal for soil health: it wants to increase the soil health of half a billion acres of land by 2050.

Regenerative agriculture refers to farming practices that increase the long-term health of ecosystems. While it does reduce carbon emissions, a major environmental priority, it also increases soil health and reduces water pollution in local watersheds.

This is part of a trend for the increasingly environmentally conscious food giant. It previously laid out a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent from 2010 to 2025. It was almost halfway there in 2018, when it said its footprint was down 13 percent.

The General Mills portfolio already includes brands that emphasize sustainability. In 2014, they bought Annie’s, the Berkley, California-based organic food producer, whose product line includes ingredients produced by regenerative agriculture.

Competitors are also making inroads in sustainability. Kellogg’s, perhaps General Mills biggest competition, has environmental initiatives of its own. Last year, it set a goal of making 100 percent of its packaging either reusable, recyclable or compostable. It also intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent by 2050. They didn’t however, mention regenerative agriculture specifically.

The 28 percent reduction goal that General Mills has set is the same as the goal set by the United States Climate Alliance, a group of 20 states that that came together after the U.S. left the Paris Climate Agreement.